Late to the party…
So I’ve finally taken that leap into the world of social media, at least for work that is.
I’ve been happily chuckling at animals doing silly things for years, or gazing jealously at friends’ holiday snaps (not so much recently) but I’ve never quite had the courage to put my business out there in the digital world.
It seemed overwhelming, so many platforms to choose from, so much time required, will it be professional enough? Should I be funny or not? Am I funny?
What finally gave me the push I needed was the realisation that new speech and language therapists were looking for jobs on facebook, Facebook?! I was at university when facebook was invented and it was much more likely you’d get fired because of something that was posted on facebook than get hired! (you know, when we used to post the whole album of photos from a single night out when it was £1 a pint at the Royal Oak?)
Anyway, after much, much, much procrastination I set up Blossom Tree SLT accounts on facebook, linkedIn and Twitter and it was unexpectedly easy and it took me about 15 minutes and now I’m embarrassed I didn’t do it sooner.
Now I just have to think of something to post on there to get the job applicants rolling in…